Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Voting in Texas...

Everyone knows that if a task has multiply steps to complete less people are likely to actually go all the way to the end with it. The simpler things are the more people will agree to do it. Like surveys, at first people used these long surveys to get people's opinion on things to possibly better their service or company. They found it was very difficult to get people to comply. Now to get people to do a survey they are considerately shorter, being 3-5 minutes long. Also they offer things like coupons and free food upon completion of these surveys. This is exactly what Griff was saying on the issue of voters needing a registration card to vote in his blog Government, The Texas Way. Having a lengthy process or additional steps lowers the number of voters. Making voting more difficult than necessary.

In Texas it is required that you register to vote and get a registration card. Then you must take this card and a state issued ID with you to be able to vote. The biggest argument Griff made was that the registration card should be able to be acquired right before voting (same day, same place) or dropped all together. I completely agree with him. I feel like if the process to vote was made as simple as taking your ID to the ballots, voting, then leaving more young people would turn out. A lot of politicians speak on how the youth is the future and how we could make a difference and I believe this is true. There is a count less number of college students and recent high school graduates able to vote who simply haven't. Whether its because of them missing the registration dead line or not having a registration card all together I feel that isn't a good reason to restrict someone from voting. As long as they are able to prove they are who they say they are with a state issued ID they should be able to vote.

I know there are people who do not have a state issued ID. I do not agree that these people should be completely left out of participating in voting. Maybe if we kept the registration card we could use it for the people who don't have the issued ID. That way it keeps track of them and their information so that eventually they can get one. This would also be a way of not hindering them from voting on a candidate thats gonna make decisions that will effect their future. If they live in the area (legally or not) I feel as though they should have some say on what goes on with what could change around them.

Overall voter registration cards are typically not what people think about when discussing what candidates or parties they're going for. Nor is it something thought about when deciding what time and day your off from work or school to go vote. Then to get there and find you didn't register and can not vote. This would be equally devastating as hearing you missed the date to do so and now its too late. This registration card is inconvenient, unnecessary, and just more trouble then its worth. If the card was done away with more votes would increase dramatically.      

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the articles that were posted on topics such as education funding and Planned Parenthood. But may question is why the change? Would it help the surrounding people or would it put a hold on the people.

    It seems very easy for the government to come up with better solution to solve what they call problems in Texas maybe source of income for our economy or rules to throw together to state that the government is doing their job. Only time will tell what’s really helping and what’s hurting Texas the state. I have a question for the government would they follow these same rules and guideline that they put in effect for the people like their self to follow.

    I feel as there are too many of our children not making good in the world because these changes is not getting education for free. These rules makes it easier for them to harm them self such as carrying guns on camps, drinking at the age of 18, and so etc. I also feel as these changes will increase to the problem that economy is having.

    I feel that with the laws that already in place stays the same (no changes) then our children /student have to try harder to do wrong. Students have shown that they are not confirm to anything that can or let them have a good time, especially when it have nothing to do with cognitive of making his or her own decision. I am very sure that these changes will lead to more problems.
