Friday, May 11, 2012

Foster Care, Cares!

I read this and completely agreed on the importance of education and care for foster kids. I have a very close friend of mine that was raised in foster care and I have seen the effect it had on her. We went to middle school together so knowing her since then to now lets me know that kids can be successful growing up in foster care.

 She went to foster care when we all went to 8th grade and thats when her roller coaster ride began. There was a couple of different homes she stayed at but with all the chaos she still maintained to go to school and work to make money for herself. Having a personal connection to this story opened my eyes to what the state actually does for these kids. The best thing they do for them is offer them the ability to go to school beyond high school. They also provide counseling and other therapeutic avenues for them to get help. 

The committee's and social workers efforts Linda has mentioned towards these kids is what makes them successful and what keeps them going. Without such systems in place these kids would end up anywhere and wouldn't get the help they need. With the proper support and help finding their place in the world there is no limit to what these kids could achieve. 

In the case of my friend she is in college, working, and has her own place. Little things have changed as far as her trust and mind set. But for what she has gone through she is a giant "SUCCESS" to me and i am very glad the foster care system took care of her. I am very appreciative of them and will continue to back them what they stand for. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Planned Parenthood

After class today I really wanted to voice my opinion on the planned parenthood facilities being shut down. I strongly disagree with Texas and how majority of the state is against abortions. Now Im not a parent/mom so I might not be in the actual situation these women are in, but i do know if I was I would feel a lot better if I had a place to go to for help.

The facts of the matter is that there is more than just abortions planned parenthood helps young and older women with. Some women don't have health insurance or enough money to pay the treatments they would need to prevent being pregnant. Or what if they had a std from a sex partner and needed medical attention. What if they had cervical cancer and would never know unless they got that check up from planned parenthood.

Also I feel like there are some valid reasons women may want to get an abortion. Some women feel as though they are not ready or capable of taking care of a child. They might not be financially or mentally stable enough to deal with such a situation. Another situation could be a woman was raped and became pregnant afterwards. I could completely understand a woman not wanting to carry the child of a man that has caused her pain and suffering. One other and final reason could be that in the woman's career plan it would be impossible to raise a child in a stressful and overwhelming work environment.

To me these clinics offer women and men the opportunity to make a choice to protect themselves from disease, make a decision on something that could alter the rest of their lives, and to get assistance with a current condition. These facilities are important to the community and without them we will see a rise in pregnancies, untreated diseases, and people how are not able to get the help they need. This will effect the city more than the city realizes, and maybe that will cause them to change their decision.